The Right Choice

right choiceQuick pop quiz for you. On the right is a couple of shots taken in our rather overgrown garden; the one on the left is of some of our stunning Foxgloves, whilst the one on the right is a neighbours 25 ft Conifer tree. So easy question, choose which is the weed?

The more green fingered amongst you will possibly be smiling as this is of course a trick question. A weed, by definition is any plant that is growing where it is not wanted or needed. The Conifer poisons and dries out the ground beneath it so that few can survive in its presence, plus it can grow to immense size if left unchecked (yes even the dwarf varieties). It is however a great home for the local nesting birds. The Foxglove is deadly in that it is highly toxic and should never be handled with bare hands, however it is a beautiful addition to our border and many folk suffering with heart conditions would be dead without the Digitalis gathered directly from the Foxglove family.

Every day we are given choices over which direction we should take personally and in business and often these choices are strengthened or quashed by the opinions of others. Whilst some opinions can be helpful, others can be damaging as they may not be grounded in facts or be coloured by the givers own agenda. We are sometimes left confused by the many choices given to us and some decide against making that decision at all, however when it comes to our businesses this can itself cause serious problems.

We know that as a business you have probably come across a few web designers and that just like in any other walk of life, some will try and push you in the direction of their particular solution; from a simple build it yourself ‘free’/cheap site, to a highly individual coded bespoke design; each one will assure you that their’s is the best solution, the ‘right choice’.

We however prefer to give you several choices. A simple brochure design to stake your place online, a content management system that you can update yourself and change as often as you want or a fully functioning shop complete with shopping cart and payment area, plus everything in between – in short we believe that the choice should be yours.

We will of course give you open and honest advice and be on hand to answer any questions, but we will never try to sell you on an idea that just does not match your goals or your pocket!  Our consultation is free and wherever possible we will sit down over coffee to discuss your options, we do not tie you into contracts or hidden fees and we always have your best interests at heart. So really the choice is yours, pushy salesman or free advice – Debayne Web Design – STILL Weaving the Web your Way.