New Business

Now is the best time to start your own business

Now there is a bold title for a blog huh? Now is the best time to start your own business. Let’s look at  the figures differently for a change – I for one have had too much doom and gloom that is rammed down our throats on the news every day. We are constantly bombarded with negative after negative – of the stories of the blighted rather than the hopes of the blessed.

  • Record unemployment – this means that if you take on any staff they will probably not demand an exorbitant salary but actually be pleased to get any wage! Plus any staff you do get will be more willing to actually work – knowing full well that not far away are several thousand other people willing to take that job away from them.
  • On the back of this first statement – there are a lot of very qualified and very experienced people looking for work – experience and qualifications that would be very useful to any small business just starting out..
  • Triple dip recession – you know that the only way now is up – that any business starting right now will have the pick of the work as and when it becomes available – the big boys who once used to shoulder smaller companies aside are struggling or leaving the marketplace entirely open for new growth and expansion.
  • Small businesses are finally being noticed by the banks who are only too happy to help with such things as free banking and business advice.
  • Even the government is looking to small businesses with renewed interest looking favourably on small business loans etc.
  • Negotiational advantage – there are a great many business properties lying empty and earning nothing for their owners – leaving them wide open to negotiation on price and lease terms – any lease is better than none right?

You see there are many small businesses actually enjoying this climate because business could not be better. Time and time again I am meeting new businesses with ‘not enough hours in the day’ and these are not specialist professions – everyone from car salesmen to cake decorators are asking me ‘what recession?’

I am not saying for one moment that we should ignore the economy – however if we were all to focus on our areas of expertise – to get out there and grow our businesses – to start those new projects that lesser men and women are still ‘waiting for the right time’ to undertake – I firmly believe that it is the small business owners of this country who will turn this recession around. Yes we understand that there are tons of people unemployed but we have been there before. Yes some companies will not make it – but again this is nothing new. Those young ones amongst you ask your grandparents about the recessions of the past – this has happened before.

So you see this is the best time to start a new business – the backing is waiting – the staff and expertise is within your grasp. I spoke yesterday with a lady who had been made redundant and is about to launch her new business and she summed it up perfectly for me. She said ‘I would rather look back and say that I tried,  than spend the rest of my life thinking what if I had just been brave enough to take that step – to believe in my dreams and go for it.’
Debayne web design has always been proud to support new businesses – to provide a unique launch pad onto the world wide web – literally the largest customer base on the planet. Stop thinking what if and start thinking what next? Give us a call today and take your slice of that potential business.